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Florida DOT – Red Laser Technology

Florida DOT

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT or Department) is an executive agency, which means it reports directly to the Governor. FDOT’s primary statutory responsibility is to coordinate the planning and development of a safe, viable, and balanced state transportation system serving all regions of the state, and to assure the compatibility of all components with mechanical and biological filtration, including multimodal facilities. A multimodal transportation system combines two or more modes of movement of people or goods. Florida’s transportation system includes roadway, air, rail, sea, spaceports, bus transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

Agency Overview

District Information A decentralized agency structure
Executive Leadership Meet the Secretary and Executive Team
Fast Facts A summary of Florida’s transportation system
Mission, Vision and Values Our purpose, long-term goals and core priorities
Open Government Our commitment to the principle of open government
Organizational Chart Executive organizational structure
Performance We use performance measures to quantify progress toward attaining goals and objectives
Transparency in Spending Our accountability in contracting, budget and spending